Perfect Distribution
Automation Distributor


 Current Location:

Cambridge, MA

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Online Demonstration

April 16th, 2013

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Getting Started

Real-Time Monitoring


With access to you all of your business databases, Perfect Distribution allows you to monitor all of your daily business activities in real-time from our web-based interface.

Use our Quote Monitor to view your new quotes. Use our Order Monitor to view your new orders. Use the Customer Monitor to view new customers.

Quotes, orders, and customers may be sorted by date, sales person, sales territory, manufacturer, part number, part description, and more.


instantly review quotes and orders for additional business opportunties

eliminate destination, part number, and quantity errors before orders are shipped

facilitate timely introductions between your sales staff and new customers

dramatically increase the transparency of your business and the daily communications between your staff members

Perfect Distribution gives your entire staff the ability to monitor your orders, quotes, and new customers as they're entered into your databases!